NO. No, I cannot. GAH!(Totally different note here: my word verification is "humpr.")
Amy, please stop making our son look like a doofus.
Adorable son you got there. :)
awww...Mike, He's cute!!!
I do agree that he is generally cute, and I do like the shirt. My issue is with the faux-pants.
Awwww!! HE is the most precious little boy ever!! Two more days till I can see him in person!! I love the faux pants by the way! Those things are fabulous and I wish I had them for the girls when they were little!
We love our Baby Legs too! But Julia's are not nearly as stylish as Emmett's! We can't wait to see you soon!!!
i have this strange desire to pinch his cute
Can someone please tell me why is he wearing his diaper over his pants? This seems like it could get messy????
the issue is that he isn't wearing pants
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I have no living siblings, but I am not an only child. I write about life as I know it after the death of my brother.
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NO. No, I cannot. GAH!
(Totally different note here: my word verification is "humpr.")
Amy, please stop making our son look like a doofus.
Adorable son you got there. :)
awww...Mike, He's cute!!!
I do agree that he is generally cute, and I do like the shirt. My issue is with the faux-pants.
Awwww!! HE is the most precious little boy ever!! Two more days till I can see him in person!! I love the faux pants by the way! Those things are fabulous and I wish I had them for the girls when they were little!
We love our Baby Legs too! But Julia's are not nearly as stylish as Emmett's! We can't wait to see you soon!!!
i have this strange desire to pinch his cute
Can someone please tell me why is he wearing his diaper over his pants? This seems like it could get messy????
the issue is that he isn't wearing pants
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