fifteen months

Dear Emmett,

You are a fifteen month old with the vocabulary and language usage of about a two year old, according to your doctor.  You performed for her, speaking and playing and showing her your personality.  Your weight is slowing down; you're thinning out and talling up.  This morning you weighed 25lb, 7oz and you are 31.5in tall. 

We have been marveling over your speaking ability, and lots of people have asked us how many words you have.  We started a list a couple of weeks ago, and we have been amazed, seeing it written down, how many words you really have.  So, this month I am creating a written list of your words.  I think it is the last time we'll be able to list and contain your vocabulary, and I want to remember this and be able to show it to you one day.  This is probably not a complete list, but I think it's fairly close, and it tells us you have somewhere in the neighborhood of 180 words.  You are also starting to put a few words together, such as "Daddy walk," "Kitty food," and - OF COURSE - "No, Mama."

These are mostly just in the order I thought of them as I was adding to the list, although the first few are your earliest words, and I did group all the names together:

Up - Light - Kitty - Clock - Please - Yes - No - Hi - Bye-bye - Book - Ball - Door - Box - Bag - Basket - Ear - Nose - Eyes - Toes - Hair - Brush - Teeth - Cup - Bath - Knee - Boots - Shoes - Socks - Bra - Pants - Clothes - Belly - Back - Butt - Walk - Bounce - Water - Juice - Milk - Toast - Apple - Applesauce - Yogurt - Raspberries - Spoon - Fork - Bowl - Cookie - Cracker - Cheese - Kix - Ghost - Boo - Cow - Horse - Dog - Duck - Pig - Zoo - TV - Car - Truck - See - Bus - Snow - Stuck - Mess - Sit -Bucket - Bear - Grinch - Blanket - Bib - Baby - Bottle - Head - Blocks - Elmo - A - B - D - Mama - Daddy - Nana - Poppy - Mimi - Pappy - Emmett - Alli - Lila - Greg - Noah - Eddie - Ashley - Mirt - Mike - Beanie - Latreash - Wheel - Gears - Down - Bug - Duke - Pull - Hat - Moon - Balloon - Bite - Blue - Red - Tree - Toys - Button - Dance - Poop - Pee - Cloth - Beep - Coat - Scarf - Boy - Girl - Keys - Bubbles - Fish - Umbrella - Heart - Kick - Glasses - Crash - Bonk - Kiss - Mail - Potty - More - Doorbell - Hot - Hug - Towel - Plow - Table - Sticker - Nice - Pizza - Thank you - This - These - Those - Magnet - Gloves - Guys - Diaper - People - Cold - Snaps - Soccer - Go - Sheet - Food - Tea - Help - Fort - Pigeon - Shirt - Zebra - Sheep - Giraffe - Toothbrush - Green - Purple - Away - Feet - Push - In - Whoops - Two - Barn - Stairs - Big

Daddy and I are in awe to be able to communicate with you so readily, and we are so proud of you.  Keep on showing us all the exciting stuff going on in that busy mind of yours.



maresi said...

Learning the name Maresi might take a while, but please get going on that for me.

Emmett is TOTALLY amazing. You are excellent parents!

Alex said...

God almighty, is your head big enough yet, or must you continually brag about how phenomenally genius you think your daughter is?

Anonymous said...

Um, Alex? Emmett's a boy. And she's a proud mama. Nothing wrong with that. She's a stay-at-home mom who has chosen to invest her life in her children and the positive effects are showing!

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