t minus 22 days

If you are a fan of Lost, go here and watch the Lost Missing Pieces video clips on ABC's website. They are 1 to 5 minute clips that fit into the show somewhere over the past three seasons. The footage has not been seen before on the show and some of the clips fill in small gaps and loose ends. Some of the clips present new mysteries.

Go. Watch. Get hyped up for the new season. And pray the writers' strike ends in time to produce the last several shows so we aren't left hanging mid-season. I can't wait for January 31!


Ma Ma to 3 said...

WHOOO HOOO! We are addicted to this show! Peter and I send the kids to bed and sit alone and watch it and truly enjoy every minute of the cliffhangers and mystery! I also pray the writers strike ends soon. It would be horrible if we were left hanging mid-season!!

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