maresi said...

they're all perfect representations of G. I still can't believe we are having to look at photos instead of the real thing. I miss him and I love you.

Anonymous said...

Amy - I totally agree with mo*eezy - couldn't say it any better than she did. Thanks for sharing the photos - don't remember ever seeing the one of Greg with the fish. It's a VERY SAD day today. love ap!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

EDH said...

I'm sending all kinds of warm thoughts & positive energy your way today, Amy... G looks like a wonderful guy and I know how much you must miss him. Please e-mail if you like. I'm thinking about you and wishing you strength and peace today.

Anonymous said...

I'm thinking of you and your parents lots today. Thanks for sharing the pictures with all of us who remember and miss G so much!

Sandi Lynn said...

Hi, we love you! We talked about the significance of this day this morning before school. The boys cried and asked lots of questions again. Those are both good things. We do miss him so much! We love you. SL

maresi said...

I come back every day almost to look at these again. Love you.

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