what the joys of commuting mean to me

Puking up my breakfast, trying to get a second breakfast down and in doing so missing the small window of time where the trains aren't too crowded. Walking to the train station in the rain, waiting on a crowded platform. Boarding the train, holding on for dear life and staring intently at the floor to try and combat the queasiness and dizziness. A huge sigh of relief when a seat opens up at the first stop. I dive for it, and know I will make it the rest of the way without incident.


Elena said...

Ahh, the one seat. I'm glad you got it; you deserve it. I wish you good luck in commuting for the rest of your pregnancy and beyond. :)

Anonymous said...

your husband should be hiring a car service to get you to work in your delicate condition.

Anonymous said...

Oh, I have missed the joy of commuting postings. Hopefully you will be given a seat once you start showing....

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