taking inventory

This is a bit of a housekeeping post, partly for my own purposes, to take stock of where we've been so far and where we're going still in this 2010 Nablopomo adventure. Going on the theme weeks, so far we've made it through Remembrance Week, Cloth Diaper Week and Giving Thanks Week.

During Remembrance Week, I learned that I've got much more to say than I thought about my own personal reasons and methods for remembering.  I covered a lot and it turned out to be a week of writing therapy for me.  I plan to feature posts on this topic going forward.  If you want to catch up on these posts, they can be found here:

remembrance week
how do you handle the stuff?
memorial objects
finding an outlet for the memories
letting greg's memory shine through to others
memorial fund

Next we went on to Cloth Diaper Week, where I got down in writing the answers to many questions I've had asked of me over the last year, as well as lots more information you didn't know you wanted.  This is not a topic I plan to feature here often, unless specific issues come up, but there was a lot I wanted to say and this gave me the opportunity to do so.  If you want to learn a few things about modern cloth diapering, you can find those posts here:

cloth diaper week
deciding which cloth diapers to use
cloth diaper stash and accessories
logistics and simplistics of cloth diapering
cloth diaper networking and resources

Last week, I told you about something for which I was thankful each day.  I would like to continue doing this from time to time here.  I think it is uplifting and maybe even therapeutic to pause and be thankful for something, even if it is something silly and trivial.  Here are a few of the things I've been thankful for over the past week:

pre-thanksgiving feast
delightful mess
the bookshelf
baby gate
laundry helper
lending a helping hand

Going into the last full week of November, I'll be celebrating Emmett's birthday, with memories of the last weeks before he was born, favorite pictures from the past year and, of course, his monthly letter on Wednesday.  Stay tuned!


Megan said...

This post is a nice summary- I have a hard time believing that we have already completed 3 full weeks in November, but it appears as though we have! I hope you have a great Thanksgiving Amy- enjoy your "getting bigger" boy!

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